Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Water Supply Project Pipeline
PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (October 17, 2016) – A kickoff ceremony of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project’s 7-mile pipeline...

With CPUC approval, Cal Am begins pipeline pre-construction work
Following the California Public Utilities Commission's approval Thursday of the project's pipeline component, the company has already...

PUC backs Pure Water Monterey recycled water project, Cal Am pipeline
San Francisco >> Praising the Pure Water Monterey recycled water project as “very innovative” and a “very important step” toward bringing...

2016 2nd Quarter MPWSP Newsletter
State Water Resources Control Board Agrees to Extend Deadline on Carmel River Cutbacks On Tuesday, July 19, the State Water Resources...

SWRCB extends CDO deadline
Less than six months from the original deadline for complying with the Carmel River pumping cutback order, the state water board on...

Settlement reached on return water
SETTLEMENT REACHED ON DESAL PLANT RETURN WATER Ahead of State Decision on Pumping Cutbacks, Project Stakeholders Reach Agreement on...

2016's First Quarter Newsletter Out
MONTEREY PENINSULA WATER SUPPLY PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT April 30, 2016 Updated Request to Postpone River Cutbacks Submitted Proposal...
Progress Report - 4th Quarter 2015
Stakeholder Groups, California American Water, and Castroville Community Services District Negotiate Terms for Desalination Project...

PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (January 21, 2015) – California American Water president Rob MacLean filed testimony this week with the California...