Desal Plant Archive, Cont
1. Source Water Slant Wells RFP
Supplemental Conditions, tech specs & drawings (36 MB)
Appendix B (263 kb)
Appendix C (233 kb)
Appendix C - well construction app (138 kb)
Appendix D (471 kb)
Appendix E (1.59 MB)
Geoscience Agreement (336 kb)
RFP (1.8 kb)
Addendum 1 (2.1 MB)
Proposal Evaluation
Construction Contract
2. Conveyance Facilities RFP
Request for Proposals
RFP addendum 1 (3.69 MB)
Attachment A - Proposal Forms (109 kb)
RFP addendum 2 (6.04 MB)
Granite/Rados, a joint venture (30.6 MB)
Monterey Peninsula Engineering (55.8 MB)
Mountain Cascade, Inc. (82 MB)
Ranger Pipelines, Inc. (41.4 MB)
W.A. Rasic Construction, Inc.(91.1 MB)
Proposal Evaluation
Construction Contracts
Contracts and Bids
Monterey Peninsula Engineering
Garney Pacific
Feedwater & transfer pipelines (bid packages 1 & 3) - redline (1.4 MB)
Feedwater & transfer pipelines (bid packages 1 & 3) - clean (1.3 MB)
Executed Agreement (618kb)
Executed Agreement - Feedwater & Transfer (618kb)
Mountain Cascade
Contract specifications
Contract drawings
ASR Pipeline - set 4 (16 MB)
Feedwater Pipeline - (18.5 MB)
Monterey Pipeline - (60.1 MB)
Transfer Pipeline - (57.8 MB)
Pipeline details - (6.7 MB)
Pump station - (5.6 MB)
SVR brine - (14 MB)
Terminal Reservoir - (14.3 MB)
RFP Drawings
ASR Extension Pipelines (16.5 MB)
Brine and SVR Piplines (14.3 MB)
Feedwater Pipeline(18.8 MB)
Monterey Pipeline (44.2 MB)
Pump Stations(5.7 MB)
Terminal Reservoir (15.6 MB)
Transfer Pipeline (56.3 MB)
Pipeline Details (5.9 MB)
Special Reports
CAW Environmental Report (6.6 MB)
Jack_Bore Crossings (16.9 MB)
Geotechnical Report (6.3 MB)
GJM Geotechnical Investigation (4.59 MB)
Desal site GBR_June 2013 (4.24 MB)
ASR Electrical Building Geologic Report (44.06 MB)
Pipeline Tech Specs (5.3 MB)
Pipeline Tech Specs Appendices (88.1 MB)
Pump Station Tech Specs 30 percent (4.1 MB)
Tech Specs Terminal Reservoir (4.38 MB)
Tech Specs Terminal Reservoir Appendices (17.07 MB)
Drawings Addendum 1
ASR Extension Pipelines (215 kb)
Brine and SVR Piplines (96 kb)
Feedwater Pipeline(136 kb)
Monterey Pipeline (61.5 MB)
Terminal Reservoir (15.7 MB)
Transfer Pipeline (2.9 MB)
Pipeline Details (5.9 MB)
Specs Addendum 1
Tech Specs Terminal Reservoir (4.59 MB)
01025 Measurement and Payment TMains (79 kb)
01025 Measurement and Payment TRsvr (51 kb)
02570 Steel Pipe Mortar Lined and Morter Coated Bid (195 kb)
05520 Prefabricated Steel Bridge Bid (69 kb)
3. Conveyance Facilities RFQ
RFQ - Desalination Conveyance Facilities (954.13 KB)
Conveyance Facilities Overview (2.06 MB)
ASR Pipelines Extension: ASR Pipeline, Recirculation Line, and Pump-to-Waste Line(4.33 MB)
Feed Water Pipeline (9.83 MB)
Monterey Pipeline (27.58 MB)
North Transfer Pipeline (37.38 MB)
Terminal Reservoir (8.21 MB)
Statement of Qualifications
Garney Pacific, Inc. (15.4 MB)
Monterey Peninsula Engineering (19.2 MB)
Statement of Qualifications Analysis
Analysis (337 kb)