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I. Slant Well Intake System - Civil Work​

A. Request for Proposals (RFP)

  1. RFP (Draft) (537 kb

  2. Governance Committee Presentation  (537 kb

  3. RFP - (final) (1.6 mb)

  4. Addendum No.1 - (646 kb)

  5. Addendum No.2 - (1.7 mb)

  6. Addendum No.3 - (2 mb)


B. Contract Documents


  1. Agreement (draft) (256 kb)

  2. General Conditions (draft) (633 kb)

  3. Exhibits (draft) (633  kb)

  4. Attachments (861 kb)

  5. Supplemental General Conditions (254 kb)

  6. Technical Specifications (4 mb)

  7. Drawings (31 mb)


C. September 18, 2019, Governance Committee Meeting Documents


  1. Evaluation Report

  2. Agreement (GC Draft)

  3. General Conditions

  4. Exhibits

  5. Attachments

  6. Supplemental General Conditions

  7. Technical Specifications (April 2019)

  8. Revised Technical Specifications (July 2019)

  9. Drawings (November 2018)

  10. Revised Drawings (July 2019)

  11. Proposals

a. Garney Pacific, Inc.

b. Hal Hays Construction, Inc.

c. Monterey Peninsula Engineering


II. Castroville Pipeline

A. Request for Proposals (RFP)

  1. RFP (draft) (332 kb)

  2. Governance Committee Presentation (331 kb)

  3. RFP - (final) (1.5 mb)

  4. Addendum No.1 - (764 kb)

  5. Addendum No.2 - (316 kb)


B. Contract Documents


  1. Agreement (draft) (256 kb)

  2. General Conditions (draft) (633 kb)

  3. Exhibits (draft) (633  kb)

  4. Attachments (861 kb)

  5. Technical Specifications (3.4 mb)

  6. Appendices (34.5 mb)

  7. Drawings (11.6 mb)

  8. Pipeline Details (13 mb)

C. Reference Documents

  1. ​Environmental Database/Document Review Report (August 2018) (5.7 mb)

  2. Hazardous Materials Investigation Report (July 31, 2018) (6.4 mb)

  3. Revised Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment Report (October 28, 2017) (7.1 mb)

  4. Draft Technical Memorandum re: Geotechnical Investigation (August 10, 2018) (4.5 mb)



D. September 18, 2019 Governance Committee Meeting Documents


                        1.   Evaluation Report

                        2.   Agreement (GC Draft)

                        3.   General Conditions

                        4.   Exhibits

                        5.   Attachments

                        6.   Technical Specifications (Conformed September 2019)

                        7.   Appendices

                        8.   Drawings (Conformed September 2019)

                        9.   Pipeline Details (Conformed September 2019)

                        10. Proposals

                                    a.  Garney Pacific, Inc.

                                    b.  Hal Hays Construction, Inc.

                                    c.  Monterey Peninsula Engineering

                                    d.  West Valley Construction Company - part 1/part 2


III. ASR Wells 5 and 6 (Fitch Park)


A. Construction of Wells​


1. Request for Proposals (RFP)

a. RFP (Draft) (5.2 mb)​

b. RFP (Final)

c. Addenda


2. Proposals


a. Evaluation Report  (277 kb)

b. Zim Industries 

i.  Parts 1 to 2 (22 mb) 

ii. Parts 3 to 5 (23mb)

c. Pacific Coast Well Drilling (4.2 mb)

d. Governance Committee Presentation (668 kb)


3. Contract Documents 


a.  Agreement (Draft) 

b.  General Conditions (Draft)

c.  Technical Specifications (Draft)

d.  Attachments (Draft)

e.  Exhibits (Draft)


B. Design-Build of Above Ground Facilities


1. Requests for Proposals (RFP)


a. RFP (Draft) (10.2 mb)

b. RFP (Final) (9 mb)

c. Addenda (130 kb)​


2.  Proposals


a. Evaluation Report (275 kb)

b. Hal Hays Construction 

i.   Part 1 (6 mb)

ii.  Part 2 (800 kb)

iii. Part 3 (77 kb)

iv. Part 4  (7.4 mb)

c. Monterey Peninsula Engineering

i.  Part 1 (28 mb)

ii. Part 2 (4.2 mb)

d. Governance Committee Presentation (532 kb)


3. Contract Documents


a. Agreement (Draft) 

b. General Conditions (Draft)

c. Supplementary Conditions and Appendices (Draft)

d. Exhibits (Draft)

e. Technical Requirements and Appendices (Draft)






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