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CalAm uses crane to lift Seaside pump station

California American Water Company used a 200 ton crane to lift a 45 ton pump station into place in Seaside on Tuesday.


SEASIDE, Calif. — California American Water Company used a 200 ton crane to lift a 45 ton pump station into place in Seaside on Tuesday.

The prefabricated building is the starting point for a new seven mile pipeline that will deliver water to the Monterey Peninsula.

The pump station was prefabricated in Minnesota and it took 16 days to transport the building to California.

"Having it fabricated offsite and having that escort come here meant that we had six months less of construction that we had to do onsite, and it had cost savings measure too," said Chris Cook the project manager.

The building was 16 feet wide making it just narrow enough to travel on highways. The team had to have a police escort and drive at night.

The $50 million pipeline project got started in 2017 and is expected to be done by the end of the year.

Historically, water has been transported from the Carmel River in the south to the Peninsula in the north.

The pipeline project paves the way for new water sources including recycled water from the Pure Water Monterey Project.

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