Ensuring a Reliable Water Supply for Monterey County
"This project is designed to provide an adequate and reliable drought-proof water supply to the Peninsula." - Fred Meurer, former Monterey City Manager
Project Summary
The Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project is a three-pronged plan that includes a desalination facility that, when built, will finally solve this region’s long-standing water crisis. The project has been designed in such a way as to minimize environmental impacts, provide water for disadvantaged communities and includes extensive input from municipalities, NGOs and community advocates as well as residents from across the county.
Get the Facts
Click here to read about project information in detail.
Community Input and Responses
We've been listening to you and fielding your questions at our community workshops. Click here to visit our expanding community input and responses page (available in Spanish / Korean / Vietnamese).
Community Workshops
Spanish translators will be available. / Habrá traductores de español disponibles
Refreshments and free parking will be provided
Upcoming meetings will be listed here
The project is entering one of its last phases of needed regulatory approval to proceed. If you wish to support the project or simply be kept apprised of its development have look around in this section for options to keep yourself involved in this critical endeavor.
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