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Pipeline is Complete!

Capital Projects Delivering New Water Supplies


Effective on December 31, 2021. In 2022 and beyond, most water will be coming from the Seaside Basin, a natural underground reservoir, where native Seaside groundwater and water from the Pure Water Monterey recycled water project is stored. In heavy rain seasons, additional water from the Carmel River may also be stored in the Seaside Basin for later use.  


These new projects are part of a greater effort to fundamentally change the way the Peninsula gets its water. Whereas in decades past residents received water that was mostly drawn and pumped north from the Carmel River aquifer - now, most of the water will be pumped from the Seaside aquifer, Pure Water Monterey, Aquifer Storage and Recovery, desalination and other Water Supply Project components that will generally flow southward.  











Most of the water from Seaside south to the other cities on the Peninsula required both a new water pipeline and pump station, both of which have been under construction since late last year. Parallel Pipeline Construction of a new 36-inch pipeline in General Jim Moore Boulevard in Seaside is now complete.  


This new pipeline, situated alongside an existing 36-inch pipeline, will enable water to be simultaneously injected into and extracted from the Seaside Basin. This system will ensure that every bit of water we can legally produce is being delivered or stored for future use. 

Parallel Pipeline 

All the 7,000 feet of pipeline has been installed.  Work is continuing with tie into the Monterey Pipeline and to the ASR (Aquifer Storage and Recovery) system.  It is anticipated that the pipeline will be complete and operational in June of this year. 


Carmel Valley Pump Station 
The tie into the system in Carmel Valley Road is complete. The pump station will begin operating in conjunction with the new forest Lake Pump Station. Engineering is working on a coordinated Operations Plan and Strategy for the Operation of both CVPS and PBPS in anticipation of startup when both facilities are complete. Work is scheduled to be completed in May.  

Forest Lake Pump Station 
Work continues on the station’s building pad for prefabricated building. Pumps have been received and are in storage. Many of the on-site underground electrical conduits are completed or near completion. Completion of this project is scheduled to be in June.


















California American Water is working to improve the water system serving its Monterey Peninsula service area, including the installation of 5,300 feet of a water transmission main pipeline within portions of Lightfighter Drive and General Jim Moore Boulevard.  The proposed installation is part of a larger project to bring new sources of water to the Monterey Peninsula, decrease reliance on the Carmel River and secure a more reliable water supply for our future.


 Work on the water pipeline is nearly complete and will be done by the end of May 2022.




  • Through lanes may be closed or reduced

  • Sidewalks at intersections may be closed

  • A detour option will be provided

  • On-street parking may be restricted


 Work in this area may stop for a time and then restart, with most of the work occurring on three phases: service and water line relocations; installation of the new pipeline and, finally, street repair.


For more information on the project visit our website at:

For questions or comments, please call the Construction Disturbance Coordinator at: 831.901.3483

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience during construction.

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